This is what is happening to our world. The ice caps in the north pole are slowly melting. That explains our "crazy" weather these days in Malaysia. It rains almost every evening without fail. The reason behind this is because the sea is too warm making condensation a breeze.

I know all of you guys are probably bored of reading this over and over again BUT if there is no awarenes I am certain that this will be the last generation of living things to roam the Earth.
Compiled here are the top 10 things you should do to put a FULLSTOP to global warming.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
- Use less heat and air conditioning.
- Change a normal tungsten light bulb to an enery efficient bulb.
- Drive less and drive smart.
- Buy local and organic food.
- Become a smart water consumer.
- Buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances.
- Refuse plastics bags when you're doing grocery shopping. Carry a basket instead.
- Plant a tree; protect a forest.
- Turn "off" all appliances when not in use.
For more information. please refer to
Remember; YOU can make a DIFFERENCE!
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