Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Dress Code : Formal

Group Photo in font of Exxon Mobile Tower!!!!!









CSR- Lovely Disabled Home

An employee informing the public about the carnival

More and more and more TRIXXON MEMBERS, we are filling up the place
employees helping out.

Mr Tony Pua, giving a speech.

\ Together, together, we WORK WORK WORK hand in hand.

The day is finally over! exhausted but Trixxon is glad to have given back something to the society and has definitely learned to treasure and value this valuable priceless lesson. to always be grateful with what we have and to always continue helping the society in every way they can.
thank you everyone who has helped to make this a very sucessful day.

Yong Heng Lin

Monday, November 10, 2008


Trixxon's banner!

a very wide range of products for everyone.

Cleanliness is vital.
quality over quantity.
Hand made decorations.

Blueberry and chocolates tarts.

Don't these look elegant, YEA That's why they were all sold out

Hi Everyone,

From what we learnt previously, we managed to handle everything well in a limited amount of time. The numbers in our annual show our success and lets savour this moment of joy.

Yong Heng Lin

Sunday, October 5, 2008

An Unforgettable Experience

Message In a Bottle

Let's try this to show your appreciation to someone love !

Yellow, pink and green are exactly the colours to express your feelings to your beloved ;)

The family of bottles :)

This was a long long time ago project. I can hardly remember the days when we carried out this project. As our managing director said, "It was a huge success and this success came from all of you. Without you, we would never have had any demands for the bottles." Seriously, I can still remember the people who sacrificed a lot fot this project. Really...really...I love you all so much. Muak...muak...
Blogged by : Handsome Chia Yong Kuang (lol...tat's me)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We sold all the pizzas!
There were 30!
We're super pizza sellers!
Ahem...... Do I see TESCO brand ice cream?
Wahahaha, sorry, we're trying to cut the cost =)
Our dear customers.....
Enjoying the delicious pizza.
See, no joke, we serve with A&W, no TESCO brand.
We sell good quality drinks.

Before I forget, I just want to say a BIG thank you to all the employees who helped in this selling of pizza and float.
( Chiun Wei, Ee Lyn, Yee Wen, Chia Poh, Yu Xin, Soo Mei, Heng Lin, Weng Si and the only BOD- Zi Chuen!!!!!)
Oh and of course Boon Lee too....

Pizza, Hotdog and Float

Business going on.......
Confused by customers......
Wait!!!! You'll get your pizzas!!! NO pushing!
Is that really A&W rootbeer?=S
Business too good=D

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bubble Tea & Pancake

On the 3rd and 4th of September 2008, we sold bubble tea and pancake during the 1st and 2nd recess.
Since we were announced to be the best society for year 2008, we decided to be active for the rest of the year. Hence ideas of selling foods and drinks came to our mind. For bubble tea, we decided on three wonderful flavors: Honeydew, Cappuccino and Mango. For pancake though, we had 3 flavours, chocolate and honey!

busy preparing...

This is our pancake ^^

Want chocolate or honey?
Or you want both XD

This is our bubble tea ^^

What flavour do you want?

cant decide? why not try all three? ;)

we successfully ended our bubble tea & pancake sales. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you that supported us all this while. Without you all, this sales will not be successful.

Its a successful one so give yourself a big hand!!

Blogged by : Phua Seong Hock